JavaScript Classes


Classes in JavaScript are a little different than other languages. There are a few different ways to make a class.


Let's make a new class called Person

export class Person
    constructor(firstName, lastName, age)
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;
        this.age = age;

    getUserName = () =>
        const username = `${this.firstName[0]}${this.lastName}`;
        return username;

    canDriveCar = () => this.age >= Person.DRIVING_AGE_LIMIT;


Now, let's use this class.

import { Person } from "./person.js";

const ryan = new Person('Ryan', 'Rickgauer', 26);
const james = new Person('James', 'Bond', 55);
const bruce = new Person('Bruce', 'Wayne', 11);

printPerson(ryan);      // "Rickgauer, Ryan - RRickgauer - true"
printPerson(james);     // "Bond, James - JBond - true"
printPerson(bruce);     // "Wayne, Bruce - BWayne - false"

function printPerson(person) {
    const output = `${person.lastName}, ${person.firstName} - ${person.getUserName()} - ${person.canDriveCar()}`;

Static methods and properties

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Static Methods

To mark a method as static, just prefix the method name with static:

export class Utilities
    static sum = (num1, num2) =>
        return num1 + num2;

To use this:

import { Utilities } from "./utilities.js";

const result = Utilities.sum(5, 10); // 15

Static Properties

To create a static property:

export class Utilities
    static sum = (num1, num2) =>
        return num1 + num2;

Utilities.MAX_DB_CONNECTIONS = 100;

To use this:

import { Utilities } from "./utilities.js";



We use the extends keyword to say that a class inherits from another class.

Let's make a sub-class Student that inherits from the Person class we created earlier.

export class Person
    constructor(firstName, lastName, age)
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;
        this.age = age;

    getUserName = () =>
        const username = `${this.firstName[0]}${this.lastName}`;
        return username;

    canDriveCar = () => this.age >= Person.DRIVING_AGE_LIMIT;


Now, let's make the student sub-class:

import { Person } from "./person.js";

export class Student extends Person
    constructor(firstName, lastName, age, grade)
        super(firstName, lastName, age);
        this.grade = grade;

    // checks if student is in middle school
    isInMiddleSchool = () =>
        if (Student.MIDDLE_SCHOOL_GRADES.includes(this.grade))
            return true;

        return false;

Student.MIDDLE_SCHOOL_GRADES = [6, 7, 8];

To use the Student class:

import { Student } from "./student.js";

const ryanStudent = new Student('Ryan', 'Rickgauer', 26, 5);
const jamesStudent = new Student('James', 'Bond', 55, 11);
const bruceStudent = new Student('Bruce', 'Wayne', 11, 8);

console.log(ryanStudent.isInMiddleSchool())     // false
console.log(jamesStudent.isInMiddleSchool())    // false
console.log(bruceStudent.isInMiddleSchool())    // true

// inherited from the Person class
console.log(ryanStudent.getUserName());     // RRickgauer
console.log(jamesStudent.getUserName());    // JBond
console.log(bruceStudent.getUserName());    // BWayne

© 2024 by Ryan Rickgauer