This is a cheatsheet I made that covers some basic markdown syntax. I got most of the content from the Markdown cheatsheet by
# h1
## h2
### h3
#### h4
##### h5
###### h6
Header 1
Header 2
`Inline code`
``2` inline code``
```3` inline code```
Unfenced code block
Fenced code block
Fenced code block
// Fenced JS code block
| Column 1 Heading | Column 2 Heading |
| ---------------- | ---------------- |
| Some content | Other content |
Column 1 Heading | Column 2 Heading
--- | ---
Some content | Other content
> This is
> a blockquote
> > Nested
> > Blockquote
* Item 1
* Item 2
* sub item 1
* sub item 2
- Item 1
- Item 2
- sub item 1
- sub item 2
- [ ] Checkbox off
- [x] Checkbox on
1. Item 1
2. Item 2
![Image alt text](/path/to/img.jpg)
![Image alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "title")
![Image alt text][img]
© 2025 by Ryan Rickgauer