This is an incomplete list of the MASM instruction set. I will be adding more instructions as I come across them for work.
Kip Irvine published a great book that I use for reference. The complete instruction set is on page 652.
Instruction | Description |
AAA | ascii adjust for addition |
AAD | ascii adjust for division |
AAM | ascii adjust for multiplication |
AAS | ascii adjust for subtraction |
ADC | Add carry |
ADD | add |
AND | logical AND |
BOUND | check array bounds |
BSWAP | byte swap. reverses the byte order of a 32-bit destination register |
CALL | Call a procedure |
CBW | convert byte to word |
CDQ | convert doubleword to quadword |
CLC | clear carry flag |
CLD | clear direction flag |
CLI | clear interrupt flag |
CMC | complement carry flag |
CMP | compare |
CMPS | compares two string in memory |
CWB | convert word to doubleword |
DAA | decimal adjust for addition |
DAS | decimal adjust for subtraction |
DEC | decrement |
DIV | unsigned integer division |
IN | inputs a value from a hardware port |
INC | increment |
JA | jump if above |
JA | jump if destination above sour |
JAE | jump if above or equal |
JAE | jump if destination above or equal to source |
JB | jump if below |
JB | jump if destination below sour |
JBE | jump if below or equal |
JBE | jump if destination below or equal to source |
JC | jump if carry |
JCXZ | jump if CX equals zero |
JE | jump if destination equals sour |
JE | jump if equal |
JG | jump if greater |
JG | jump if greater |
JGE | jump if greater or equal |
JGE | jump if greater or equal |
JL | jump if less |
JL | jump if less |
JLE | jump if less or equal |
JLE | jump if less or equal |
JNA | jump if not above |
JNAE | jump if not above or equal |
JNB | jump if not below |
JNBE | jump if not below or equal |
JNC | jump if no carry |
JNE | jump if destination not equal to sour |
JNE | jump if not equal |
JNG | jump if not greater |
JNGE | jump if not greater or equal |
JNL | jump if not less |
JNLE | jump of not less than or equal |
JNO | jump if no overflow |
JNP | jump if no parity |
JNS | jump if not sign |
JNZ | jump if not zero |
JO | jump if overflow |
JP | jump if parity |
JPE | jump if parity equal |
JPO | jump if parity odd |
JS | jump if sign |
JZ | jump if zero |
LDS | load pointer using DS |
LES | load pointer using ES |
LODS | loads an element from a string |
LOOP | loop |
LOOPE | loop while equal |
LOOPNE | loop while not equal |
MOV | move |
MOVDW | copies a word |
MOVSB | copies a byte |
MOVSD | copies a doubleword |
MUL | unsigned integer multiply |
NEG | negate |
NOP | no operation |
NOT | logical NOT |
OR | inclusive OR |
OUT | outputs a value to a hardware port |
POP | pop from stack |
POPA | pop all |
PUSH | push on stack |
RCL | rotate carry left |
RCR | rotate carry right |
REP | repeat string |
REPE | repeat while equal |
REPNE | repeat while not equal |
RET | return from procedure |
ROL | rotate left |
ROR | rotate right |
SCAS | scans a string for an element |
SHL | shift left |
SHR | shift right |
STC | set carry flag |
STI | set interrupt flag |
STOS | stores an element into a string |
SUB | subtract |
TEST | test - tests individual bits |
XCHG | exchange two operands |
XLAT | translate using table |
XOR | exclusive or |
© 2025 by Ryan Rickgauer