This command dumps the database tables, views, procedures, functions, events, and triggers into a single file:
mysqldump -u {user_name} -h {ip_address} -p ^
--databases {DATABASE_NAME} ^
--no-create-db ^
--routines ^
--events ^
--triggers ^
--skip-quote-names ^
--no-data ^
--result-file "{output_file}"
Most of my databases have reference tables, or predefined constants, that are used as foreign keys for other tables.
For example, if I was making an application to store game data for each of the major sports leagues in the US, I would probably have a table in there called Leagues
that has 4 rows representing the 4 major leagues: NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL. I usually end up mapping these tables to Enums
in my source code.
mysqldump -u {user_name} -h {ip_address} -p ^
--no-create-db ^
--no-create-info ^
--replace ^
--order-by-primary ^
--skip-quote-names ^
--result-file "{output_file}" ^
{Database_Name} {Table_Name} {Table_Name} {Table_Name}
This is the standard format for a batch file that dumps the table schemas and reference tables into a single file:
mysqldump -u {user_name} -h {ip_address} -p ^
--databases Turma_Dev ^
--column-statistics=FALSE ^
--no-create-db ^
--routines ^
--events ^
--triggers ^
--skip-quote-names ^
--no-data ^
--result-file "C:\xampp\htdocs\files\turma\sql\ddl\.schemas.sql"
mysqldump -u {user_name} -h {ip_address} -p ^
--column-statistics=FALSE ^
--no-create-db ^
--no-create-info ^
--replace ^
--order-by-primary ^
--skip-quote-names ^
--result-file "C:\xampp\htdocs\files\turma\sql\ddl\.data.sql" ^
Turma_Dev Error_Message_Groups Error_Messages Server_Invitation_Status
@echo off
cd "C:\xampp\htdocs\files\turma\sql\ddl"
type ".schemas.sql" ".data.sql" > "dump.sql"
del ".schemas.sql" /Q
del ".data.sql" /Q
© 2025 by Ryan Rickgauer